Design and improvement of respiratory protective device for fire evacuation by using usability testing
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Study on human factor analysis showed that samples failed to don the existing Respiratory Protective Device (RPDs) within the time limit. In this paper, two similar Small enterprise-RPDs, Version 1 and Version 2, were compared statistically to validate the usability of design features in terms of performance. Sixty participants from an office worker population were selected as samples. Experimental design aspects included building of a fire simulation walkway, analyzing user behavior, and answering post questionnaire. The result showed that Version 2 RPD had a quicker donning time for many tasks. Half of the tasks undertaken by subjects donning Version 1 indicated a significantly higher error mean. Moreover, subjects who tested Version 2 rated its ease of use at 15 % higher than the rating of the group evaluating Version 1. Therefore, it is possible to design RPD containing simple and clear instructions, and donning time in under 30 seconds.
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