A study the mental workload of robot control in precision work

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Alongkorn Chatmuangpak
Prachuab Klomjit


This research aims to study the mental workload from the EEG brainwave and the errors of robot control by human for precision work. The subjects were 10 participants. The experimental used a table for collecting operating time data record and assessment of mental workload by NASA TASK LOAD INDEX (NASA-TLX). The data were statistically analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The results showed that small hole diameter of workpiece and robot control distance resulted in success of work, as well as increased operating time and mental workload. The control position at a distance of 30 cm., workpiece hole diameter size 3, 2, 1.5 cm. has EEG (Gamma) [6.25, 6.73, 7.25] µV, Time [13.19, 15.38, 18.88] sec, %Success [93.33, 100, 96.67], and NASA-TLX score are [12.79, 13.99, 15.05], respectively, and position at a distance of 100 cm., workpiece hole diameter size 3, 2, 1.5 has EEG (Gamma) [6.82, 7.34, 7.99] µV, Time [16.42, 21.96, 26.82] sec, %Success [100, 86.67, 66.67], and NASA-TLX score are [14.75, 15.29, 16.61] respectively.

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