Work security of cleaning contractor employees in Thammasat University

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Sutarat Namlaitung
Parinda Tasee


The objective of this research was to study working conditions and the attitudes of work security of cleaning contractor employees in Thammasat University. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 127 cleaning contractor employees. The information was collected using a questionnaire consisting of general information, working conditions, and the attitudes of work security of cleaning contractor employees. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and pairwise difference analysis by LSD at the significance level of 0.05. Most of the respondents (97.6%) were female ranging from 41-50 years. The overall attitude of work security of cleaning contractor employees was at the moderate level, and the mean score was 2.88±0.70. The respondents who were different in terms of types of housing, sick leave, business leave, equipment/facilities at work, protective equipment, having a room or resting area during work, how to commute to work, expenses for commuting to work, workload, area of responsibility, and the opportunity to be relocated were different in the attitudes of work security in all aspects at the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, it is suggested that relevant organizations should allow employees to express their opinions on the desired benefits, recommendations, claims, issues, and the adjustment of employment status from daily wages to monthly.

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