Muscle pain and risk factors of muscle pain during the online learning and working from home among the students and staffs of Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University, Lampang Campus

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Nalaphon Tongdi
Chotika Inwan
Sasina Proytong
Jutamat Kaewlomkai
Chonlada Deepong
Nattagorn Choochouy


ABSTRACT: The online learning and working from home are inevitably necessary during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The improper ergonomics workstation from home arrangement can lead to pain, discomfort, and results in musculoskeletal disorder. This study was aimed to access the prevalence of upper body muscle pain and related ergonomics risk factors among students and staffs of Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University Lampang Campus. The online survey was administrated with subjective pain assessment. The prevalence of excessive and strong level of muscle pain was mostly found among upper and lower back both left and right side. In addition, moderate level of muscle pain was found among both side of shoulder, instead. Participants mostly used notebook computer and the chair with backrest. However, the chair has no armrest, cannot adjust the backrest and the height. They mostly bending their back while seated with too low line of sight of the display. We found that participants with the unadjustable chair backrest and inappropriate chair height can significantly increase the risk of having upper and lower back pain. Moreover, those who bending back while seated and having too low line of sight of the display can significantly increase the risk of having shoulder pain. The results can be used for issuing policy or recommendation for safely online learning and working from home among students and staffs.   

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