Ergonomics risk and work-related musculoskeletal disorders in dental personal

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Chalita Chorobchoei
Pornnapa Suggaravetsiri
Sunisa Chaiklieng


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to assess the ergonomic risks of dental personnel and musculoskeletal disorders in dental personnel. The participants were 118 dental personnel in public hospitals in Phetchaburi. Work - related discomfort questionnaire was used to determine the severity and frequency of pain in the neck, shoulder and back. Working posture was observed with an ergonomic risk assessment using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment method. The musculoskeletal disorders in the past one month when considering the frequency of multiple anomalies every day, the top three sites were neck 15.25%, followed by shoulder 13.56% and back 10.17%, respectively. When classified according to the severity of symptoms, it was found that pain was at least moderate level on top three positions were the neck 71.19%, followed by the shoulder 69.49% and the back 66.95%, respectively. Considering musculoskeletal discomfort in various parts of the body, levels of discomfort were found from moderate severe level on the neck 55.08%, followed by the shoulder 46.61% and back 41.53%, respectively. The results of an ergonomic risk assessment using the RULA method which were found for tooth extraction that most dental workers were at an ergonomic risk level 3 (posture needs to be examined and corrected as soon as possible) for 58.47%, followed by level 4 (needs to be corrected immediately) 29.66 %, and for filling segment, most dental workers had an ergonomic risk level 2, 65.25 %, followed by level 3, 30.51% and level 4, 4.24 %, respectively. This study demonstrated the high ergonomics risk of working posture of the dental practitioner in tooth extraction, that may be the cause of disorders in the neck, shoulders, back which were found to be high the prevalence. Therefore, dental personnel should be advised to improve the posture and ergonomics condition to prevent chronic neck and back pain.

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