Ergonomics risk and musculoskeletal disorders among industrial workers in textile export and small enterprise

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Sudarat Boonla
Sunisa Chaiklieng


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to assess the ergonomics risk and musculoskeletal disorders of workers in textile export and small enterprise. Data was collected from 43 workers by an interviewed discomfort questionnaire and observing work posture for ergonomic risk assessment by using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) according to job postural characteristics. The study results found that musculoskeletal discomforts of workers in the past one month (classified into 5 levels) were at level 1 (low) 97.67%, level 2 (medium) 30.23% and level 3 (high) 13.95%, respectively. Considering the area of pain, the top three areas of discomfort were shoulders (88.37%), neck (79.07%) and lower back (58.14%), respectively. The ergonomics risk assessment by RULA (classified into 4 risk levels) indicated that workers were at level 2 (further investigation and change may be needed) for 51.16% and level 3 (further investigation and change soon) for 32.55%. REBA showed that workers were at level 3 for 11.63 % and level 2 for 4.65 %. The ergonomics risk revealed awkward postures that might relate to musculoskeletal disorders, especially on the neck, shoulders, and the lower back of workers. Therefore, there should be ergonomics improving program to decrease the risk of musculoskeletal disorders including ergonomic training for improving of work postures or workstations for suitable working to prevent musculoskeletal disorders among workers in textile industry.

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