Effect of Life Review Program on Spiritual Well-Being among Chronic Disease in the Elderly
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This quasi-experimental research aimed to test the effect of life review program on the spiritual well-being of chronic disease in the elderly. The purposive sampling composed of 34 chronic diseases in the elderly patients who received health services. Seventeen participants were assigned to the experimental group and participated in life review intervention, while another 17 participants were assigned to the control group and received usual care. Data collection consisted of The Thai version of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being for 12 items with a validity 0.95. Data were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U Test and the Wilcoxon matched Pairs signed-ranks Test.The study results revealed after participating in the life review program, participants in the experimental group had mean score of spiritual well-being 40.65 (S.D. = 1.66). It shows that the experimental group had high spiritual well-being and significantly higher mean score of spiritual well-being than those in the control group (p<.05). Among participants of the experimental group, mean score of spiritual well-being after participating in the life review program was 40.65 (S.D. = 1.66) and significantly higher than before participating in the intervention (p<.05). Therefore, the life review program can change spiritual well-being of chronic disease in the elderly and can befurther applied to promote self-care in the chronic disease in the elderly.
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