Executive Functions (EF) Promotion in Early Childhood

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Rungphetch Homsuwon


Executive Functions are a set of thought processes. As a result of the prefrontal cortex transmits and connect various information with other parts of the brain, human being able to remember, control and direct their thoughts, emotions control, attention, inhibit themself from stimuli, manage and control their behavior in order to reach the goals. Executive Functions consist of 9 domains, divided into 3 groups of skills: basic skills, self-direction skills and practical skills. These skills gradually develop since fetus single. The most developing are during the age of 1-6 years old, when the brain has the myelination and synaptogenesis processes. This is the golden period to promote executive function before the brain pruning process undergoes, through activities and playing according to the child's age so that children gradually learn happily in a positive context. The activities influencing the brain effectively developed , thinking, analyzing and management.

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How to Cite
Homsuwon, R. (2021). Executive Functions (EF) Promotion in Early Childhood. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(2), 27–37. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NurseNu/article/view/250065
Research Article


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