Application of self-management concepts in Nursing Clinical Practice: A Case Study Diabetic Patient with Nephropathy

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Sudawan Sanmorya
Chiraporn Tachaudomdach
Rerngrit Thongyu
Sakda Pramthaisong


Patients with diabetes often have nephropathy, which especially found the large numbers in stages III and IV, which was the period of  showing signs and  symptoms and found abnormalities in blood and urine testing. It was found that the prevalence of  diabetic nephropathy was up to 45.5 %, with 34.5% in stage III and 39.5% in stage IV (Janjumras & Pipatsatitpong, 2016). This evidence shows nephropathy control is still a problem. It caused by uncontrolling blood sugar and having long periods of high blood sugar levels, which lead to changing in small blood vessels of kidneys, following by losing kidney function and permanent kidney pathology. This problem can affect the physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic aspects of patients. Therefore, it is necessary that nurses should promote appropriate behavioral adjustment and self-management to delay the progression or extend the period of development to end-stage renal disease. This article aims to presents concept and the application of using the Kanfer’s self- management theory to nursing care for diabetic patients with nephropathy. The results of applying this theory may help the patients-participated in the management of health problems can change their  self-management behavior appropriately correspondent with lifestyle and needs that can slow down the progression of the disease or extending the development period to end-stage renal disease.

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How to Cite
Sanmorya, S. ., Tachaudomdach, C., Thongyu, R., & Pramthaisong, S. (2021). Application of self-management concepts in Nursing Clinical Practice: A Case Study Diabetic Patient with Nephropathy. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(2), 1–13. retrieved from
Research Article


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