Relationship between Symptom Severity and Distress in Patients with Advanced Cancer

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Rattiya Chaichompoo
Ampaporn Namvongprom
Nam-oy Pakdevong
Benjamas Preechakoon
Thitinan Ounlam


This descriptive cross-sectional research aimed to investigate symptom severity, distress level, and the correlation between symptomseverity and distress level of patients with advanced cancer. A purposive sample of 428 patients with advanced cancer at OPD and IPD were recruited for this study. The instruments used to collect data were comprised ofpersonal information sheet, ESAS (Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale), and distress thermometer. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and Spearman rank correlation.Findings showed that patients with advanced cancer perceived distress at a moderate level (Mean = 4.08, SD = 2.34). The problems listedmost were physical problems, emotional problems, and practical problems. The top five symptomsreported include fatigue, not well-being, pain,poor appetite,and anxiety. Severity of symptoms were significantly positively correlated with distress of patients with advanced cancer (p < .001). It is suggested that patients with advanced cancer should be assessed of symptom severity and distress in order to be provided with proper care.

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How to Cite
Chaichompoo, R. ., Namvongprom, A. ., Pakdevong, N.- oy ., Preechakoon, B. ., & Ounlam, T. . (2019). Relationship between Symptom Severity and Distress in Patients with Advanced Cancer. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 13(4), 107–120. retrieved from
Research Article


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