The effects of a basic life support program on knowledge and attitude toward basic life support among high school students


  • Sangduan Apiratanawong
  • Duangporn Piyakong
  • Phattharamanat Pongrangsarn
  • Napasanan Piyasiripan
  • Thidarat Khamboon
  • Nisakorn Pothimas
  • Thayuta Inkaew


Basic life support program, Knowledge, Attitudes, High school students


This quasi-experimental study was one-group pre-posttest design,aimedto study the effectsof the basic life support program on knowledge and attitude toward basic life support (BLS) among highschool students. The samples were 246 high school students. Research tools include the Basic Life Assisted Teaching Program using Gagne's learning theory, the knowledge test and the questionnaire regarding attitudes towards BLS, whichdeveloped by the researchers. The KR-20 was rated at .894 and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .875 respectively.The results revealed that posttest knowledge score ( =11.31, S.D. = 1.85) wasstatistically significant higher than pretest knowledge score ( = 9.43, S.D. = 1.66) (p-value < .01). However,posttest attitudescore ( = 39.86, S.D. = 3.46) wasnot significantly different from pretest attitude score ( = 39.50, S.D. = 3.51) (p-value = .079). The results suggestthat the design of learning activities is a very important part of the learning process. This can be used as a guideline for teaching and learning to increase knowledge toward basic life support among otherpopulations, butnot significantly different attitude.There was a limitation, next research design will be two group pre-posttest design.


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How to Cite

Apiratanawong, S., Piyakong, D., Pongrangsarn, P., Piyasiripan, N., Khamboon, T., Pothimas, N., & Inkaew, T. (2019). The effects of a basic life support program on knowledge and attitude toward basic life support among high school students. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(3), 146–157. retrieved from