Relationships between Work Environment and Effective Teamwork of Professional Nurses in Phrae hospital
Work Environment, Effective Teamwork, Professional NursesAbstract
The purposes of this descriptive research were to study 1) nurse work environment in Phrae Hospital, 2) the effective teamwork of professional nurses in Phrae Hospital,and 3) to find the relationship between the work environment and the effective teamwork of professional nurses in Phrae Hospital. The sample comprised of 206 professional nurses. The simple random sampling without replacement was used to select the participants. The research tools consisted of three sets of questionnaires covering personnel data,nurse work environment and the effective teamwork of professional nurses. All of the questionnaires were tested to find the contentvalidity by 5 experts, the IOC ranged between 0.8-1.0, and the reliability were tested using Cronbach's Alpha which yielded result of 0.95 and 0.99 respectively. The data were analyzedby using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient. The findings were as follows:1)nurse work environment in Phrae Hospital was at high level ( = 3.90, SD =0.35) 2) the effective teamwork of professional nurses in Phrae Hospital was at high level ( = 3.89, SD = 0.44) 3) There was a statistically significant positive correlation at the moderate level between the working environment and the effective teamwork of professional nurses in Phrae Hospital. (r = .689)
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