The Effectiveness of Community Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention Program, Pangsilathong District, KamphaengPhet Province
Main Article Content
This quasi-experimental research aimed at studying the effectiveness of a chronic kidney disease prevention program in a district promotion hospital and in a community, provided by a multidisciplinary team and supported by the district quality of life development committee. The study's population was 936 patients of stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease inPangsilathong District, KamphaengPhet Province. Thesamples were 77 patients that were divided into two groups including the experimental group of 47 chronic kidney disease patients of Thakhuendistrict promotion hospital and the control group of 30 chronic kidney disease patients of Nonglomdistrict promotion hospital. The study period was 6 months between May to October 2018. The experimental group was trained and received home visits provided by the multidisciplinary team while the control group received their regular services. The instrument used for data collection were composed ofa questionnaire of general information and clinical data, knowledge testing sheet and behavior assessment form. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t-test. The results of the study found that after finishing the research, both ofthe experimental and control groups had their mean serum creatinine increased and mean glomerular infiltration rate decreased insignificantly (p > .01). However, the experimental group had the narrower of change of the mean serum creatinine and mean glomerularin filtration rate than that of the control group. Both of the experimental and control groups had their mean knowledge increased significantly (p < .01). The experimental group had their mean behavior for chronic kidney disease prevention improved significantly (p < .01), but the control group had their mean behavior improve dinsignificantly (p < .01). From the study, it pointed out that training and home visitsin a short period could not delay the progress of the decline of renal functions significantly. But theycould increase the levels of both knowledge and behavior for chronic kidney prevention.
Article Details
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