Effects of Enhancing Self-Efficacy Program on Prevention Behavior Among Risk Group of Pre-Hypretension In Bankhok District, Uttaradit Province
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The purpose of this two groups pre-post test design was to study the effects of enhancing Self-Efficacy Program on prevention behavior in nutrition, exercise, and stress management among risk group of prehypertension in Bankhok District, Uttaradit Province. The subject weas 40 risk groups of pre-hypertension, aged 35–59 years at Bankhok Hospital service area. Purposive sampling technique by specific criteria was used for both the experimental and control groups (20 each). The research tool was comprised of two parts 1) the experimental tool was enhanced Self-Efficacy Program on prevention behavior Program 2) prevention behavior questionnaire with reliability was 0.86 3) behavior record’s note 4) Sphygmomanometer 5) Pedometer. The statistical device used for data analysis was frequency, mean, standard deviation and ttest. The results showed that: 1. Behaviors of risk group of pre-hypertension in the experimental group after intervention 12 weeks had significantly higher mean score than before intervention (P< .01) in all behavior (nutrition, exercise and stress management). 2. Behaviors of risk group of pre-hypertension in experimental group after intervention 12 weeks had significantly higher mean score than a control group (P< .01) in all behavior (nutrition, exercise and stress management). 3. The mean score of systolic blood pressure level and diastolic blood pressure level in the experimental group before intervention had significantly higher mean score than after intervention in 12 weeks (P<.01). 4. The mean score of systolic blood pressure level and diastolic blood pressure level in the experimental group after intervention had significantly lower mean score than control group in 12 weeks (P<.01).
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