Water Sorption, Solubility and Surface Properties of CAD-CAM Materials

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Chatchalanya Wansudon
Rebecca Kraivixien
Sirivimol Srisawasdi


The purpose of this research was to examine water sorption, solubility, and surface properties of three widely used CAD-CAM materials: resin composite (Cerasmart; CS), polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (Vita Enamic; VE) and lithium disilicate glass ceramic (IPS e.max CAD; LS). Therefore, 45 rectangular-shaped specimens were prepared and immersed in deionized water for varying durations at 7 days, 1 month and 6 months. These specimens were then subjected to a range of tests, including water sorption, solubility, hardness and roughness. The result showed that immersion time significantly impacted water sorption among tested materials (p<0.001). However, there were no significant differences in solubility between materials at each time point of the water immersion process (p>0.05). The 2-way ANCOVA revealed that water immersions had significant effects on hardness among tested CAD-CAM blocks (p<0.001), while there were no significant differences on roughness (p>0.05). Moreover, the study found that there were no significant differences on roughness within IPS e.max CAD group at every time point (p>0.05), while Cerasmart exhibited a similar trend compared to Vita Enamic, where surface properties showed significant differences among 7 days and 6 months of water immersions (p<0.05). The correlation analysis showed statistically significant differences between water sorption and hardness, water sorption and roughness (p<0.001). Overall, assessment of IPS e.max CAD, Vita Enamic, and Cerasmart, exhibited different levels of water sorption when subjected to prolonged water immersion for up to 6 months. Both aged and unaged specimens of these materials showed similar sorption and solubility during immersion process. However, water sorption influenced their hardness and roughness after immersion. Although these materials displayed varying degrees of water sorption, hardness, and roughness, they did not exhibit significant differences in solubility after 6 months of water immersion.

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How to Cite
Wansudon C, Kraivixien R, Srisawasdi S. Water Sorption, Solubility and Surface Properties of CAD-CAM Materials. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2024 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(3):90-103. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KDJ/article/view/272237
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