Masking Ability and Color Stability of Resin Composites with Different Layering Techniques on Discolored Tooth at Immediate Restoration and After Thermocycling

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Pithiwat Uasuwan
Rungsun Kanpachai
Kirawut Luengtrakoon
Nutthapong Kantrong
Suchart Wongkhantee


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the masking ability and color stability of resin composites, restored with various layering techniques on discolored tooth at immediate restoration and after thermal aging. For the materials and methods, three hundred and forty disc-shaped specimens of dentin shade and enamel shade of four brands of resin composite included Filtek Z350 XT, Harmonize, Ceram X Duo, and Estelite 𝚚 Quick were prepared with five layering thicknesses in millimeters (n=17) as followed (Dentin thickness/Enamel thickness); 0.3/0.3, 0.4/0.4, 0.5/0.3, 0.5/0.5 and 0.7/0.3. The masking ability was interpreted through the color difference of resin composites on A4-shade tooth background at immediate restoration (∆ET0) and after thermocycling (∆ET1), and the color stability of specimens was measured on A1-shade inherent color background (∆EA1) using CIELab coordinates obtained from a spectrophotometer. Thermocycling was performed at 5 oC and 55oC in distilled water for 5,000 cycles. Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn’s Bonferroni post hoc test, and Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test were used to determine the significant difference of color difference (p<0.05). The results showed that the median color difference of the layered specimens (∆ET0, ∆ET1, and ∆EA1) were as follow; Filtek Z350 XT (1.52-2.00, 1.40-1.87, and 0.94), Harmonize (2.19-5.82, 2.34-5.65, and 1.36), Ceram X Duo (1.26-2.65, 2.13-2.45, and 1.28) and Estelite 𝚚 Quick (3.80-7.70, 4.07-8.10, and 1.16). ∆ET0 and ∆ET1 were significantly different amongst resin composites with layering technique. Moreover, thermocycling significantly affected to the masking ability and the resin composite brands affected to the color stability (∆EA1) after thermocycling in some layering thicknesses (p<0.05). In conclusion, all resin composite brands demonstrated higher masking ability when increasing the thickness except for Filtek Z350 XT. A minimum 0.6 mm thickness of Filtek Z350 XT and Ceram X Duo, and 1.0 mm of Harmonize can mask the discolored tooth, whereas Estelite 𝚚 Quick showed unacceptable masking ability at all thicknesses. The color stability of all resin composites was clinically acceptable. Filtek Z350 XT showed the highest color stability.

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How to Cite
Uasuwan P, Kanpachai R, Luengtrakoon K, Kantrong N, Wongkhantee S. Masking Ability and Color Stability of Resin Composites with Different Layering Techniques on Discolored Tooth at Immediate Restoration and After Thermocycling. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2024 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];27(3):65-79. available from:
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