Treatment Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Initial Root Canal Treatment Performed by Undergraduate Dental Students: A Retrospective Study
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This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes and survival rates of initial root canal treatments performed by undergraduate dental students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University. Additionally, this study aimed to identify prognostic factors influencing the treatment outcome and survival rate. A total of 1,768 teeth treated between 2015 and 2018 were analyzed, with 406 teeth included in the survival analysis and 397 teeth in the treatment outcome analysis. Clinical and radiographic data were collected, and descriptive statistics were used to report treatment outcomes and survival rates. Multivariable logistic regression and multivariable Cox regression were used to identify significant factors. The median follow-up time was 2.6 years. The overall healing rate was 82.1% (326 out of 397 teeth). Multivariable analysis revealed five significant factors negatively impacting the outcome, which included being male (OR=2.698), presence of a sinus opening (OR=2.641), pre-operative radiolucency (OR=3.620 and 5.991 for size <5 mm and >5 mm, respectively), inadequate root canal filling quality (OR=2.964), and inadequate restoration quality (OR=9.417). The survival rate was 97.8% (397 out of 406 teeth), with the only significant factor affecting the survival rate being cracked teeth (OR=16.067). The survival from fracture rate was 95.8%, with four significant factors found to negatively impact this rate: mandibular teeth (HR=5.653), teeth that lost more than two surfaces (HR=4.895), intra-operative complications (HR=8.049), and teeth that did not receive definitive restoration (HR=13.777). The majority of fractured teeth did not receive definitive restoration, and most incidence were fractured within 3.3 years (40 months). In conclusion, the healing rate of initial root canal treatment performed by undergraduate dental students at the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University was 82.1%. Male gender, presence of a sinus opening, pre-operative radiolucency, inadequate root canal filling quality, and inadequate restoration quality were significant prognostic factors for the healed rate. The survival rate was 97.8%, with cracked teeth being the only significant factor negatively impacting the survival rate.
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