Subcutaneous Emphysema Suddenly after Restorative Dental Treatment: A Case Report

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Supaporn Viriyajirakul


Subcutaneous emphysema after dental treatment is a rare complication and spontaneous recovery. However, some reports have found that the consequences were serious and life-threatening complications. In dentistry, it may appear with the use of air-driven handpieces during tooth extraction, tooth separation with a raised mucosal flap, the use of gingival retraction cords, and using air-water syringe push air into the periodontal tissue. Therefore, understanding the pathophysiology of subcutaneous emphysema, early diagnosis, and prompt treatment will be a good prevention of complications. This report presents a rare occurrence of subcutaneous emphysema delivery of a class V dental restoration with a retraction cord in an upper left second molar. The tissue swelling was presented suddenly from the left infraorbital area to the left submandibular area. The expected clinical course, physical examination, diagnostic features, and treatment were discussed for the prevention of a severe complication

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Viriyajirakul S. Subcutaneous Emphysema Suddenly after Restorative Dental Treatment: A Case Report. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2024 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];27(3):12-9. available from:
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