A Comparison of the Subjective Masticatory Assessment Accompanied by Food Pictorial Illustration and Test-Chewing in Complete Denture Patients

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Anjinuch Rattanauradinthra
Thanipha Chainansamit
Parisa Siriarpakul
Danai Yodsuwan
Subin Puasiri
Jarin Paphangkorakit


The correlation between subjective and objective masticatory assessment could be influenced by the recall ability of food items being asked. This study aimed to compare subjective masticatory assessments with food pictorial illustration and after chewing each food item (test-chewing), and to investigate the relationships between both subjective assessment methods and the objective masticatory assessment. The subjective masticatory assessment was conducted in 21 complete denture wearers using a questionnaire consisting of questions related to the chewing ability of 5 food items, first with food pictorial illustration and then after actually chewing the food. The objective masticatory assessment was performed using color-changeable chewing gum and scored on a 5-scale color shade. Paired t tests were used to determine difference between the subjective masticatory scores and Pearson correlations were used to test any existing correlations. The results showed that the agreement between subjective masticatory scores with pictorial illustration and with test-chewing was high (ICC=0.84). Both scores were not significantly different (20.1±3.9 vs 21.0±4.2 respectively). Neither scores were correlated with the objective masticatory score. It was concluded that subjective masticatory score using a questionnaire with pictorial illustration could reflect patients' actual perception on their chewing ability (likely to be obtained with test-chewing). Since test-chewing is not always practical in field research, using food questionnaire in conjunction with food pictorial illustration is recommended for the subjective assessment of masticatory function.

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How to Cite
Rattanauradinthra A, Chainansamit T, Siriarpakul P, Yodsuwan D, Puasiri S, Paphangkorakit J. A Comparison of the Subjective Masticatory Assessment Accompanied by Food Pictorial Illustration and Test-Chewing in Complete Denture Patients. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2024 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];27(2):78-85. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KDJ/article/view/268870
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