Fracture Resistance of Tunnel-Restored Teeth at Different Marginal Ridge Heights

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Phirinat Aurpanchasin
Sirivimol Srisawasdi


This study aimed to investigate fracture strength of restored tunnel-prepared teeth with different marginal ridge heights, using various adhesive systems and restorative materials. 130 intact premolars were randomly allocated into 13 groups based on 3 remaining marginal ridge heights (1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm). 3 restorative systems (Optibond™ FL, selective enamel etching mode Single Bond Universal, Equia Forte Fil), positive control or tunnel prepared tooth without restoration, and intact unprepared teeth served as negative control. Tunnel preparation and restoration were performed. After 10,000 cycles of thermocycling, each specimen underwent fracture strength test and evaluated for mode of failure. The data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA followed by a post hoc test. The results of the experiment showed that fracture strength values of tunnel restoration were significantly affected by remaining marginal ridge heights, but did not significantly affect by restorative systems. All restorative systems were unable to support tunnel preparation at remaining marginal ridge heights of 1.0 mm. At remaining marginal ridge heights of 3.0 mm, strength of tunnel preparation was equivalent to intact teeth or negative control. At remaining marginal ridge heights either of 2.0 mm or 3.0 mm, strength of tunnel restoration with Optibond™ FL, selective enamel etching mode Single Bond Universal, and Equia Forte Fil were as strong as intact teeth. It can be concluded that, tunnel restoration at remaining marginal ridge height of at least 2.0 mm with Optibond™ FL and paste-like bulk fill resin composite, selective enamel etching mode Single Bond Universal and paste-like bulk fill resin composite, or Equia Forte Fil was comparable to intact teeth.

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Aurpanchasin P, Srisawasdi S. Fracture Resistance of Tunnel-Restored Teeth at Different Marginal Ridge Heights. Khon Kaen Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];27(1):97-110. Available from:
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