The Effect of Blood Contamination on Setting Time and Washout Resistance of Three Calcium Silicate Cements
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The objective of this study was to compare the effect of blood contamination on the setting time and washout resistance of three types of calcium silicate cements including ProRoot MTA, Biodentine, and RetroMTA. Each type was divided into two groups consisting of the blood-contaminated group and the uncontaminated group. The blood-contaminated group, blood was coated inside of the mold and the material was put into the mold. Then, blood was coated on the surface of the material and the specimen was wrapped by the moist gauze. For the blood-uncontaminated group, after putting the material into the mold, it was wrapped by the moist gauze until each material reached initial setting time. Thereafter, the setting time was determined using a universal testing machine until the indenter failed to create a completely circular impression on the surface. In addition, the washout resistance was assessed through metered spray testing, with the subsequent calculation of the percentage of material washed out and analyzed data using two-way ANOVA and post-hoc Sidak test. The results showed that the setting time of all three materials had a significant increase under blood-contaminated conditions. ProRootMTA had the highest setting time which was significantly higher than Biodentine and RetroMTA in both conditions. The washout resistance test demonstrated significant changes in the average washout percentage for all three tested materials under conditions of blood contamination. This study concludes that blood contamination notably increased the setting time across all materials. Regarding washout resistance, a marked difference was observed under both conditions. ProRootMTA exhibited the greatest washout resistance, which diminished upon contamination with blood. In contrast, Biodentine demonstrated the lowest washout resistance in the absence of blood contamination, however the resistance increased when contaminated with blood.
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