The Comparison of The Micro Push-Out Bond Strength of AH Plus, Endosequence BC, and MTA Fillapex Sealers: A Laboratory and Finite Element Analysis Study

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Prapussara Tanintaraarj
Nguyen Thanh Quang
Nantiwat Pholdee
Angsana Jainaen


This laboratory study aimed to evaluate the micro push-out bond strength of 3 sealers: AH Plus, Endosequence BC, and MTA Fillapex. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was built and estimated micro push-out bond strength to the laboratory. Thirty extracted single-rooted lower premolars were instrumented and divided into 3 groups. All root canals were obturated by warm vertical compaction technique using a match gutta-percha cone and 3 different sealers: AH Plus, Endosequence BC, and MTA Fillapex (n=10 roots/ group). After 2 weeks incubation at 37oC and 100% humidity, three slices of 1±0.1 mm-thickness were cut 3 locations: coronal, middle and apical, for the push-out bond strength test. The failure mode of the sample was examined under 10x magnification. Three samples size 2x2x25 mm of each sealer were prepared and tested for modulus of elasticity, and then the FEA results analysis was created under ANSYS workbench. The micro push-out bond strength was analyzed using one-way ANOVA, and the correlation between the laboratory and FEA was evaluated by the Pearson correlation test. The significance was set at p<0.05. Results of the laboratory test showed that AH Plus and Endosequence BC sealers had a superior micro push-out bond strength compared to the MTA Fillapex sealer (p<0.001), but there was no statistically significant difference between the AH Plus and the Endosequence BC sealer (p>0.05). For the FEA, AH Plus presented the highest maximum micro push-out bond strength at the coronal dentine, followed by Endosequence BC and MTA Fillapex sealer (2.48, 2.16 and 1.23 MPa, respectively). The same results were found at middle dentine (2.19, 2.09 and 0.70 MPa, respectively), and at apical dentine (1.72, 1.63 and 0.43 MPa, respectively).  The micro push-out bond strength from the laboratory and FEA had highly positive relationship (r=0.869). In conclusion, Endosequence BC exhibited a micro push-out bond strength comparable to AH Plus, surpassing MTA Fillapex sealer. The FEA test presented a highly positive correlation in micro push-out bond strength with laboratory testing.

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How to Cite
Tanintaraarj P, Thanh Quang N, Pholdee N, Jainaen A. The Comparison of The Micro Push-Out Bond Strength of AH Plus, Endosequence BC, and MTA Fillapex Sealers: A Laboratory and Finite Element Analysis Study. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2024 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(1):45-57. available from:
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