Tooth Size Proportion in Patients with First Four Premolars Extraction

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Atitaya Duangta
Aggasit Manosudprasit
Rajda Chaichit
Amornrut Manosudprasit


Proper occlusal interdigitation, overjet, and overbite between the maxillary and the mandibular teeth in patients with extracted first four premolars depend essentially on proper inter-arch tooth size ratio. The purpose of the study is to report the mathematical inter-arch tooth size ratio and the size of each tooth in normal occlusion patients whom first four premolars were already extracted after orthodontic treatment. We strictly selected dental models of patients with normal occlusion and had first four premolar extraction. The PAR index (peer assessment rating index) was used to select dental models with good occlusion. Then, the selected models were evaluated for incisal inclination by cephalometric analysis measurement. We also included models with normal upper and lower incisors inclined. The study was carried out on 38 patients with four extracted first premolars with normal occlusion. The selected models were scanned and digitized with the virtual model software (3Shape Ortho System, 3Shape A/S, Copenhagen). We calculated mean of tooth size, mathematical inter-arch tooth size ratio. We found that the mean overall “10” ratio and the mean anterior “6” ratio were 90.31±1.86% and 77.47±2.66%, respectively. Additionally, the tooth size mean values of upper central incisor, upper lateral incisor, upper second premolar, upper first molar, lower second premolar and lower first molar were significantly different from another similar study. We also found the variations in overall “10” ratio among the literatures. Also, we found a statistically significant difference of overall “10” ratio between Bolton’s, Kayalioglu’s and our study. In conclusions, our study suggests that an overall ratio of 90.31±1.86% is practical in diagnosis and a treatment planning for patients with four extracted first premolars.

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How to Cite
Duangta A, Manosudprasit A, Chaichit R, Manosudprasit A. Tooth Size Proportion in Patients with First Four Premolars Extraction. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2023 Oct. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];26(3):58-69. available from:
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