Health–Related Quality of Life in Treated Oral Cancer Patients
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Previous studies revealed that oral cancer survivors could still have significant loss of oral functions as well as having social and psychological issues after cancer treatment. This study aimed 1) to investigate the Health–Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in oral cancer patients after surgical treatment 2) for comparing the HRQOL in physical aspect with socio–emotional aspect and 3) to investigate factors related to HRQOL. This study was conducted using the Thai version of University of Washington’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (UW–QOL), version 4 with 80 histologically confirmed oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients who were treated at the Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. T–stage, neck dissection, treatment modality, and type of reconstruction were the predictive factors of patient’s physical function (p<0.05). Interestingly, the post–treatment overall QOL of the patients was “good” (62±13.0) with the HRQOL score in socio–emotional (87.86±22.29) significantly higher than physical function (79.96±27.42) (p<0.001). Therefore, to improve post–treatment physical function, active surveillance, such as oral cancer screening in high–risk populations, and good health education regarding self–detection of early oral malignant lesion, should be implemented for early diagnosis and prompt medical treatments. Also, health care providers may need to emphasize on preserving the oral functions and facial appearance as much as possible.
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