Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution on Abutment Tooth and Supporting Structure of Bilateral Distal-Extension Removable Partial Denture with Different Clasp Designs

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Pitithida Luangthadaworrakul
Yotsakorn Pratumwal
Danai Yodsuwan


This study aimed to measure the stress distribution on abutment tooth, periodontal ligament and alveolar ridge, and the displacement of abutment tooth, and extension base of bilateral distal-extension removable partial denture with different clasp designs when the load was performed at extension base by a finite element analysis. The four digital models of mandibular bilateral distal-extension removable partial denture with edentulous area of 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, and 48 were constructed. Each model was prepared for four different clasp designs on abutment tooth 45, which were combination clasp with distal occlusal rest, combination clasp with mesial occlusal rest, RPI clasp, and reverse Akers clasp, while the combination clasp with distal occlusal rest was placed on abutment tooth 35 as a control in all models. Finite element analysis was performed by applying unilateral static load of 40 N on 5 points of extension base of study side. The result showed that the location, magnitude, and stress distribution on abutment tooth of all study models were different. The lowest maximum stress on abutment tooth was found on mesial proximal contact of RPI abutment (49.562 MPa). The magnitude, and pattern of stress distribution on periodontal ligament, and alveolar ridge were similar in all models. The lowest maximum stresses were found on periodontal ligament of reverse Akers clasp abutment (0.331 MPa), and alveolar ridge of combination clasp with mesial occlusal rest abutment (1.530 MPa), respectively. The displacement of abutment tooth, and extension base of all study models were similar, which were to buccal, mesial and gingival. The lowest off-axis displacement was shown at abutment with combination clasp with mesial occlusal rest (buccal displacement 9.083 µm, and mesial displacement 70.601 µm). The abutment with combination clasp with distal occlusal rest presented the largest mesial displacement (90.852 µm). In conclusion, the pattern of stress distribution and displacement of abutment with four different clasp designs of bilateral distal- extension removable partial denture were similar. The abutment with combination clasp with mesial occlusal rest showed the lowest off-axis displacement.

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Luangthadaworrakul P, Pratumwal Y, Yodsuwan D. Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution on Abutment Tooth and Supporting Structure of Bilateral Distal-Extension Removable Partial Denture with Different Clasp Designs. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2023 May 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];26(2):17-34. available from:
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