Effect of Surface Sealant Coating and Beverages on Color Stability of Provisional Restorative Material
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of surface sealant coating agent on color stability of Bis-acryl composite resin after immersing in different beverages at various times. Ninety-six disc-shaped specimens were prepared from Bis-acryl composite resin (Luxacrown). The specimens were randomly divided into 2 groups: the non-surface sealant coating group (Group1) and the surface sealant coating group (Luxatemp-Glaze and Bond) (Group2). Twelve specimens of each group were assigned for immersion in distilled water (DW), red wine (RW), coffee (CF) and Coca-Cola (CC). All specimens were immersed in the beverages and stored in an incubator. The color change (∆E) was measured after immersing for 7, 30 and 150 days with a spectrophotometer, according to the CIELAB system. Data were analyzed statistically with mixed-design ANOVA. Group 1 showed more mean color change in red wine and coffee (p<0.05). In both groups, the color change of specimens immersed in coffee was significantly lower than that in red wine at each measurement time except day 150 in Group 1. Moreover, the types of beverages affected mean color change of all three immersion times. In conclusion, surface sealant coating, type of beverages and various immersion time affect the color stability of provisional restorative materials.
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