Antioxidant Activity of Chlorhexidine in Various Concentrations and Effect of Chlorhexidine on Tooth Bond Strength with Resin Composite after Non–Vital Tooth Bleaching
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The aim of this study was to compare the antioxidant activity between chlorhexidine in various concentrations and sodium ascorbate and to compare dentin bond strength between composite resin and dentin surface treated by chlorhexidine or sodium ascorbate solution after non-vital tooth bleaching. The solution of 20%, 10%, 5%, 2.5% and 1.25% chlorhexidine and 10% sodium ascorbate were prepared to analyse antioxidant activity by DPPH assay. Two concentrations of chlorhexidine with the highest antioxidant activity were selected to perform this study on surface treatment and shear bond strength test. Sixty extracted human upper premolar teeth were divided randomly into 4 groups (N=15): no surface treatment (negative control: C1); surface treatment with sodium ascorbate (positive control: C2); surface treatment with 20% chlorhexidine: T1 and 10% chlorhexidine: T2. Specimens were sectioned with slow-speed diamond disc. Dentin surface were prepared and bleached with sodium perborate for 7 days 3 cycles, surface treated by cotton pallet moistened with each solution for 5 mins, rinse off and immediately restored with two-step self-etch and composite resin in the cylinder with 4 mm height and diameter. The shear bond strength test was performed. Median Antioxidant Activity (AA%) by DPPH Assay of 20%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1.25% chlorhexidine and 10% sodium ascorbate solution group were 33.44 (23.20,43.14), 20.80 (19.23,30.47), 23.98 (11.84,28.60), 10.40 (9.53,14.03), 15.86 (6.46,17.65) and 37.96 (34.54,53.28) % respectively. Median SBS in C1, C2, T1 and T2 group were 22.07 (18.14,25.08), 72.69 (67.56,81.67), 6.14 (2.91,8.41) and 14.30 (12.42,23.13) MPa respectively. Data was statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and Pairwise Comparison. There were no significant differences of antioxidant activity between chlorhexidine and sodium ascorbate solution (p>0.05) except between sodium ascorbate solution group and 2.5% chlorhexidine group. There were significant differences of shear bond strength between both control group and experimental group (p<0.05) except between C1 group and T2 group. In summary, the antioxidant activity of highly concentrated chlorhexidine was not different from sodium ascorbate solution but effected to decrease dentin shear bond strength of composite resin after non-vital tooth bleaching.
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