Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution and Fatigue Life of Endodontically Treated Mandibular Incisor Restored with Cast Post and Fiber-Reinforced Composite Post with all Ceramic Crown

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Tuangrat Vivattanakulpanit
Yotsakorn Pratumwal
Danai Yodsuwan


The study of stress distribution and fatigue life of endodontically treated mandibular incisor restored with cast post and fiber-reinforced composite post with all-ceramic crown. Endodontically treated mandibular incisor underwent cone beam computed tomography assessment. The resin pattern for cast post, fiber-reinforced composite post and all-ceramic crown were scanned and converted into three-dimensional parametric solid models, then generated finite element models. A linear static structural analysis was performed to calculate stress distribution and fatigue life in different restoring configurations. The load of 65 N and 176 N applied at 30 degrees from vertical tooth axis on labial surface of the crown to simulate chewing force and maximum bite force. Recorded stress distribution was presented as diagrams and numerically as maximum values of von Mises stresses, then calculated fatigue life of endodontically treated mandibular incisor. For all models, the maximum von Mises stress values were found in all-ceramic crown. Tooth restored with cast post demonstrated greater stress level near apex of the post, while tooth restored with fiber-reinforced composite post showed stress distribution around cervical area. The study of fatigue life found no fatigue failure for both post systems. That means that, endodontically treated mandibular incisor restored with cast post and fiber-reinforced composite post with composite core demonstrated different stress distribution patterns. No damage was found on both types of post under chewing force and maximum bite force and could predict that fatigue failure under cyclical loads will not occur.

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Vivattanakulpanit T, Pratumwal Y, Yodsuwan D. Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution and Fatigue Life of Endodontically Treated Mandibular Incisor Restored with Cast Post and Fiber-Reinforced Composite Post with all Ceramic Crown. Khon Kaen Dent J [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];25(3):58-72. Available from:
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