Second Mesiobuccal Root Canal of Permanent Maxillary First Molars Detection Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Root Canal Staining Technique

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Chayawat Anansushatgul
Pipop Sutthiprapaporn
Busakorn Osatalert
Korkit Waraussawapati
Papawadee Yapanan
Thalerngsak Samaksamarn


This research aimed to investigate the second mesiobuccal root canal (MB2) findings in the maxillary first molars in the north-eastern population of Thailand, by comparing the efficiency of examining root canal orifices after an access opening through visual and microscopic inspection; and comparing the efficiency of examining the MB2 through Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and root canal staining technique, in 81 permanent maxillaries first molars. It was discovered that MB2 could be detected by direct observation, using a microscope, CBCT and root canal staining technique by 19.75, 48.15, 79.00, 67.90% respectively. When investigating the correlation of MB2 with the naked eyes and microscope, it showed that the level of the spearman correlation coefficient was in a high to very high level (rs=0.515). Similarly, the correlation between CBCT and root canal staining technique in the coronal and the middle third of root canal presented the high to very high level (rs=0.611, rs=0.523). However, the scales from that of the apical third of root canal was ranging from medium to high level (r=0.479). Mostly, the correlation coefficient level was in the range of the medium to high level (r=0.490). Our results confirmed that the use of microscope to investigate MB2 was significantly more effective than the direct observation. Also, there is no difference between CBCT and root canal staining technique when correlation level of examining MB2 was taken into consideration. Thus, it could be concluded that CBCT was a good clinical tool to be used in the MB2 investigating process.

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How to Cite
Anansushatgul C, Sutthiprapaporn P, Osatalert B, Waraussawapati K, Yapanan P, Samaksamarn T. Second Mesiobuccal Root Canal of Permanent Maxillary First Molars Detection Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Root Canal Staining Technique. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2022 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];25(2):1-13. available from:
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