Parents' Willingness to Invest for Children’s Oral Health

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Thikumpond Malison
Unchalee Permsuwan
Patchanee Chuveera
Areerat Nirunsittirat


Willingness to invest (WTI), has been used for cost benefit analysis. WTI is used to assess the consumers’ preference in health measures with considering their ability to pay. This cross-sectional analytical study aimed to compare parents and children’s related factors, caries experiences and WTI of parents for children’s oral health. The study was conducted in 174 pairs of parents/caregivers and 3-9 years-old child, in Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University. After giving the hypothetical scenario, which was after their children had complete treatment and without active caries, parents/caregivers were interviewed for WTI by using questionnaire. WTI were measured as 1) the number visits of annual dental checkup, 2) the amount of money that parents would pay for a dental visit, and 3) the amount of time that parents would spend daily for brushing their child’s teeth. There was 85.1% of parents/caregivers who would bring their child for annual dental checkup and the 51.2% and 20.7% of them would do every 6 and 3 months. Parents/caregivers would pay 1,044.56 ± 811.10 Baht/visit and would spend 8.85 ± 7.79 minutes/day for brushing. In term of money, there was no difference between parents’ or children’s related factors and WTI. High income’s parents would spend more times for brushing their child’s teeth than whom had low income, with statistically significant. Parents’ value in child dental health can be presented as WTI. Beside of fee for services, there are barriers and hidden cost in each dental visit. WTI should be considered for the payment method and access to oral health care.

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How to Cite
Malison T, Permsuwan U, Chuveera P, Nirunsittirat A. Parents’ Willingness to Invest for Children’s Oral Health. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(2):71-8. available from:
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