Diode Laser - Mediated Photocoagulation in an Alveolar Socket after Tooth Extraction: A Preliminary Study
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Diode laser has been addressed for its potential use in soft tissue surgery for decades and successful outcomes have been reported. This study therefore aimed at investigating the adjunctive effect of diode laser on the socket coagulation after tooth extraction. Twelve healthy individuals who required an extraction of premolar for an orthodontic purpose were subjected to randomization. Control group (N=6) was subjected to local gauze pressure technique to stop socket bleeding after the operation, while the experimental group (N=6) was irradiated with diode laser (808 nm, 0.5 watt, 5-second interval) 1 cm above the alveolar socket until bleeding stopped. Bleeding time and VAS scores between two groups were compared by using Mann Whitney U-test. Our data indicated that bleeding time was 2.74-fold faster when diode laser irradiation was incorporated in the treatment. Photocoagulation induced by diode laser significantly accelerated the clotting. In this study, we showed the efficacy of diode laser application in promoting a blood coagulation at the extraction wound, in adjunct with a conventional tooth extraction procedure.
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