Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth with Miniscrew Anchorage: A Finite Element Study

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Vanichaya Tangsumroengvong
Virush Patanaporn
Chaiy Rungsiyakul
Hadsamanan Chalermwong


The purposes of this study were to evaluate the displacement pattern of all maxillary teeth and the von Mises stress distribution in the periodontal ligament when using different maxillary posterior intrusion mechanics with miniscrew anchorage, analyzed using a finite element method. Finite element models of maxillary teeth with periodontal ligament and alveolar bone were constructed. For each pattern of mechanics, a 100-g of intrusion force was applied and distributed to the miniscrew on the buccal and palatal sides. In Model 1, one miniscrew was inserted between the roots of the first and second molar teeth on the buccal side. In Model 2, one miniscrew was placed on the buccal side and a transpalatal arch (TPA) connected the first molars. In Model 3, two miniscrews were placed between the roots of the first and second molar teeth, one on the buccal and one on the palatal sides. The stress distribution in the periodontal ligament and the displacement of the teeth were analyzed using ABAQUS software. The result showed that the posterior teeth in Model 1 were intruded and tipped buccally and the overall stress values were highest. In Model 2, the posterior teeth were intruded along the long axis with no tipping. The overall stress values were lower than in other model. In Model 3, the posterior teeth were intruded and slightly tipped palatally. In all models, the anterior teeth were slightly extruded and had a low stress concentration in the PDL. In conclusion, posterior tooth intrusion with one miniscrew on the buccal side with a TPA provided balanced intrusion with less concentration of stress in the PDL than did the other types of mechanics.

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Tangsumroengvong V, Patanaporn V, Rungsiyakul C, Chalermwong H. Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth with Miniscrew Anchorage: A Finite Element Study. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2021 Mar. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(1):91-101. available from:
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