The Root Length Changes after Protraction of Mandibular Molars Combined with Corticotomy Assisted by Bone Grafting: 5 Year CBCT Follow-Up

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Panitnart Kongkraphan
Bancha Samruajbenjakun


The aim of this study was to determine root length changes following mandibular second molar protraction into a first molar space after corticotomy and bone grafting. The protraction of mandibular second molars into atrophic edentulous spaces were conducted in 16 patients with a mean age at initial treatment of 25.69 years old. The corticotomy and bone grafting were completed before second molar tooth movement. The root length changes of the mesial root of the mandibular second molar were measured by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) at initial treatment (T0), 3 months after space closure (T1), and 5 years post-treatment (T2). The paired t-test was used to analyze the mean difference between time points. The root length significantly decreased at all time points. Average root resorption at T0 to T1, T1 to T2, and T0 to T2 were 0.16, 0.67 and 0.84 mm, respectively. In conclusion, there was minor root length loss after molar protraction into an atrophic edentulous space after a corticotomy and bone grafting. Root resorption after the 5 years follow-up period was statistically higher than the protraction period.

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Kongkraphan P, Samruajbenjakun B. The Root Length Changes after Protraction of Mandibular Molars Combined with Corticotomy Assisted by Bone Grafting: 5 Year CBCT Follow-Up. Khon Kaen Dent J [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];23(2):42-9. Available from:
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