Wound Healing between Thai Propolis Product and Calcium Hydroxide in Direct Pulp Capping using a Whole Tooth Culture Model: Preliminary Study

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Nida Rungcharassaeng
Poramaporn Klanrit
Subin Puasiri
Supanigar Ruangsri
Pattama Chailertvanitkul


The aim of this study was to compare the wound healing between Thai propolis product and calcium hydroxide in direct pulp capping using a whole human tooth culture model in vitro. Thirteen extracted human third molars were divided into two control groups and two experimental groups. The negative control group (n=3) consisted of one tooth that was neither mechanically exposed nor cultured, teeth that were not mechanically exposed and cultured for 7 days (n=1) and 14 days (n=1). The positive control group (n=2) consisted of teeth that were mechanically exposed without capping material and cultured for 7 days (n=1) and 14 days (n=1). The experimental calcium hydroxide group consisted of teeth that were mechanically exposed, direct pulp capped with calcium hydroxide and cultured for 7 days (n=2) and 14 days (n=2). The experimental Thai propolis product group consisted of teeth that were mechanically exposed, direct pulp capped with Thai propolis product and cultured for 7 days (n=2) and 14 days (n=2). The histological study demonstrated a chronic inflammation in all groups except no inflammation in the negative control group in which the immediately extracted tooth was not cultured. Teeth in the positive control group that were mechanically exposed without capping material and cultured for 7 days showed the highest level of inflammation. The inflammation levels of calcium hydroxide group and Thai propolis product group were not different. Teeth capped with Thai propolis product and cultured for 7 days demonstrated an intact odontoblastic layer attached to the dentin whereas teeth capped with calcium hydroxide showed the detachment of odontoblastic layer from the dentin.

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How to Cite
Rungcharassaeng N, Klanrit P, Puasiri S, Ruangsri S, Chailertvanitkul P. Wound Healing between Thai Propolis Product and Calcium Hydroxide in Direct Pulp Capping using a Whole Tooth Culture Model: Preliminary Study. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2018 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(2):128-42. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KDJ/article/view/163665
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