Accordance of Working Length in C-shaped Canal Permanent Molars Measured by an Electronic Apex Locator at 0.5 bar in a Model

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Pinpana Thaweesit
Sujittraporn Sutthasing
Noppawan Jaikong
Suthinun Suksutthiphan
Uthaiwan Arayatrakoollikit
Angsana Jainaen


The aim of this study was to examine the agreement of a working length in C-shaped canal of permanent molars determined by an electronic apex locator at 0.5 bars in model and actual working length. Extracted human permanent molar teeth of C-shaped canal group (42 teeth) and non C-shaped canal group (42 teeth) were included in the study. All teeth were measured working length by Dentaport ZX® apex locator in model by the 1st researcher then actual working length was done under stereomicroscope (30x) after clearing process by the 2nd researcher. The data were statistically analyzed by Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) which number is close to 1 means in a good reliability. The result showed that ICC in C-shaped canal group and non C-shaped canal group were in a good reliability (ICC = 0.948 and 0.940). ICC in C-shaped canal groups classified by Fan’s classification was 0.944, 0.928 and 0.949 in C1, C2 and C3 respectively. Within C-shaped canal group, both C-shaped canal and straight canal showed a good reliability (ICC= 0.947, 0.939). In conclusion working length determined by an electronic apex locator and actual working length in clearing process in all groups were in a good correlation.

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How to Cite
Thaweesit P, Sutthasing S, Jaikong N, Suksutthiphan S, Arayatrakoollikit U, Jainaen A. Accordance of Working Length in C-shaped Canal Permanent Molars Measured by an Electronic Apex Locator at 0.5 bar in a Model. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2018 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(1):21-9. available from:
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