
  • Dittachai CHANKUNA Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thailand National Sports University Chon Buri Campus, Chon Buri, THAILAND
  • Assawin CHANTHONSARASOM Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thailand National Sports University Chon Buri Campus, Chon Buri, THAILAND
  • Nilmanee SRIBOON Faculty of Allied Health Science, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, THAILAND



National sports training center, Sports facility, Capacity development


This research article aimed to examine the efficiency of sport training facilities according to the Sport
Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS) and investigated a potential development of
regional sport training center leveraging to national sports training center. Mix method research design was
employed. Three regional sport training centers: national training center Mauklek, Saraburi province; national
training center; national training center His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary Stadium 5th December
2007, Nakhon Ratchasima province; and national training center 700th Anniversary Chiang Mai Celebrate
Stadium were chosen. Quantitative research sample was 693 service providers and users. Qualitative research
sample was 20 informants who qualified 3 inclusion criteria. The instruments are questionnaire developed by
researchers with the validity and reliability values at 0.95 and 0.94 respectively. Focus group questions also
operated. Small group interview data was collected by the assistant researchers and electronic meeting data
was done via Zoom program. Statistics used were Chi-square, analysis of variance, confirmatory factor analysis,
data triangulation analysis. Mix method approach was used to concluded the results.
     The research results were found that the 3 national training centers has average perception of
efficiency of sport training facilities at high level and; the potential development of regional sport training center
leveraging to national sports training center is consistent with empirical data and appropriate for application.
Managing the 3 national training centers should prioritize by Need data, High-quality facilities network,
Travelling data, Accessibility, Renovation fund, Time spend of travelling, High-quality facilities, Infrastructure
data, and Facilities data. Research recommendation has 3 dimensions for operationalization in current situation.

(Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2021; 21 (2):125-140)
(Received: 4 August 2021 , Revised: 28 October 2021, Accepted: 9 November 2021)
KEYWORDS: Sports facility / National sports training center / Capacity development
*Corresponding author: Dittachai CHANKUNA
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thailand National Sports University Chon Buri Campus,
Chon Buri, THAILAND, 20000

Author Biography

Nilmanee SRIBOON, Faculty of Allied Health Science, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, THAILAND

Faculty of Allied Health Science, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, THAILAND, 12121


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