Effect of Weight Training on Hamstrings to Quadriceps Peak Torque Ratio in Thai Female National Volleyball Players


  • Arom TREERAJ
  • Tavorn Kamutsri


H:Q ratio, Weight training, Muscle balance, Female volleyball players


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of weight training on hamstrings to quadriceps peak torque ratio in Thai female national volleyball players. This project was approved by the Mahidol University Central Institutional Review Board (MU-CIRB) protocol No. 2018/152.3107. Fourteen female national volleyball players (averaged age:29.71 ±5.44 y; height:173.71±6.92 cm; mass:68.00±7.86 kg; and BMI: 22.44±1.82 kg/M2) were evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer at angular velocities of 60°s-1 and 180°s-1 before and after training 6 weeks. The participants performed their routine volleyball training program with the addition of weight training 3 days per week for 6 weeks (total 18 sessions).The data were analyzed using a paired t-test to compare the differences of H:Q ratios between angular velocities in the right leg and left leg. The statistical significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: Mean of H:Q ratios values were higher (p<0.05) in the post test compared with the pre-test in both legs and both velocities, however the percentages of change H:Q ratios were not different (p>0.05) between pre test and post test in both legs and both velocities but it is a trend of increasing both legs .Discussion: The results suggest that the addition of a 6-week weight training program increases knee muscle extensor-flexor strength and muscle balance although does not significantly percentage change of H:Q ratio between pre-test and post test but found that the left leg increase more than right leg. The increase in knee muscle strength and balance may help improve balance performance in volleyball players. This is possibly due to neuromuscular adaptation; especially motor unit recruitment and motor neuron synchronization in fast-twitch muscle fibers (type IIb). Conclusion: Strength training may enhance peak torque performance and may improve balance for decrease injuries in Thai female national volleyball players after 6 weeks of training. (Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2020; 20((Online Edition))
(Received: 13 May 2020, Revised: 17 August 2020, Accepted: 18 August 2020)
Key Words: H:Q ratio / Weight training/ Muscle balance/ Female volleyball players
*Corresponding author: Arom TREERAJ
College of Sport Science and Technology,
Mahidol University, Nakhon Prathom, THAILAND
E-mail: treeraj@hotmail.com


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How to Cite

TREERAJ A, Kamutsri T. EFFECT OF WEIGHT TRAINING ON HAMSTRINGS TO QUADRICEPS PEAK TORQUE RATIO IN THAI FEMALE NATIONAL VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS: Effect of Weight Training on Hamstrings to Quadriceps Peak Torque Ratio in Thai Female National Volleyball Players. J Sports Sci Technol [internet]. 2020 Sep. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];20(2):40-53. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSST/article/view/242262


