
  • Porpitak PAKDEEBUN คณะวิทยาศาสาตร์การกีฬามหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
  • Niromlee MAKAJE
  • Phornphon PHIMPHAPHORN


Anaerobic Fitness, Repeated sprint ability test, soccer, Anaerobic Fitness / Repeated sprint ability test / soccer


The purpose of this research was to test the validity and reliability of three difference repeated sprint ability tests in soccer players. Nine-teen male soccer players aged range between 16-18 years from Bangkok Sport School Thung Khru participated in this study. All participants were assessed for anaerobic fitness using the Wingate test and three different performance field including the repeated linear sprint test (RLST), the repeated shuttle sprint test (RSST) and the repeated multi-direction sprint test (RMST). All the repeated sprint ability tests were analyzed for the concurrence validity and test-retest reliability using Person product moment correlation coefficient. An alpha level of 0.05 was identified as a statistical significant. The result showed that the all repeated sprint ability tests had concurrent validity for assessing anaerobic fitness in soccer players. The RLST was the highest validity for assessed anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity and fatigue index (r = -0.781 -0.614 and 0.604 respectively) and for the test-retest reliability coefficient (r) = 0.981, 0.962 and 0.949 respectively. Therefore, it could be concluded that all the three performance field tests can be used to measure the anaerobic fitness in soccer players.
(Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2018; 18(2): 48-60)
Keywords: Anaerobic Fitness / Repeated sprint ability test / soccer
* Corresponding author: Niromlee MAKAJE Department of Sports Science and Health, Faculty of Sports Science Kasetsart University, Kampheangsean Campus Nakhon Pathom, Thialand. 73140 Email: niromlee.m@ku.th


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Research Article