Validity and Reliability of the Thai Eating Style Scale (T-ESS) among Thai Female High-School Students

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Suphattra Sakulsriprasert
Oraphin Choochom
Numchai Supparerkchaisakul


Objective : To evaluate the validity and reliability of the Thai Eating Style Scale in female high-school students.
Methods : The Thai Eating Style Scale (T-ESS) consists of 3 subscales; namely,emotional eating, external eating, and restrained eating. The participants in this study were 615 female high-school students in Chiang Mai. Construct validity was evaluated by 5 experts. Construct validity was examined by confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach’s α reliability and construct reliability were conducted for evaluating the internal consistency.
Results : The findings indicated that the 3-factor model of T-ESS had good of fit with empirical data (relative χ2 = 2.477, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = .049, standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = .052, and CFI = .912). In addition, the T-ESS showed good reliability (Cronbach’s α =.84 -.93, and construct reliability = .84 -.93).
Conclusion : the T-ESS demonstrates good validity and reliability for measuring eating styles in female high-school students, which can be useful instrument for research and practice in dietary and weight management.

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How to Cite
Sakulsriprasert, S., Choochom, O., & Supparerkchaisakul, N. (2017). Validity and Reliability of the Thai Eating Style Scale (T-ESS) among Thai Female High-School Students. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 62(1), 59–70. retrieved from
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