Development of Game Addiction Protection Scale (GAME-P)

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Chanvit Pornnoppadol
Sirisuda Ladawan na Ayudhaya
Chadapim Phoasavasdi
Tuangporn Surapongphiwattana


Objectives : To develop the reliable and valid Game addiction protection scale (Game-P) to assess protective factors for game addiction among Thai children and adolescents.
Methods : Game addiction protection scale (Game-P) is a newly developed questionnaire, comprised of 2 versions including Child version and Parent version. Each version contains 30 items assessing protective factors for game addiction which include child-related, family/ parenting-related and social/friend-related factors. The reliability of Game-P was evaluated by internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) measurement. Factor analyses were also performed to assess the scale’s construct validity. The association between Game-P score and Game addiction screening test (GAST) score were determined by Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
Results : Two thousand four hundred and fifty-two of 4th to 9th grade students and their parents from seven schools in Bangkok, Rachaburi, Surat Thani and Surin provinces participated in this study. Both Parent and Child’s version of Game-P revealed good internal consistency having Cronbach’s alpha of 0.81 and 0.78 respectively. The subjects who had high scores
on Game-P (>130) showed lower possibility of computer game addiction (OR=7.5, 95%CI =5.12-11.04) compared to the subjects who had low scores (<130) (p<0.001).
Conclusion : Game-P was proven to be a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the level
of protection from game addiction.

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How to Cite
Pornnoppadol, C., Ladawan na Ayudhaya, S., Phoasavasdi, C., & Surapongphiwattana, T. (2017). Development of Game Addiction Protection Scale (GAME-P). Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 62(1), 3–16. retrieved from
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