Development of the Psychological Impact Scale for Crisis Events - 18 (PISCES-18)

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Pitakpol Boonyamalik
Supathana Suksawang
Siriluk Swangwongsin
Chetthaphon Chaichanachimplee
Kwanjit Narakornpijit


Objective: to develop a psychological scale for the measurement of psychological distress of disturbed victims suffered from large-scale crisis events. Materials and methods: literature review and a number of qualitative researches comprised in-depth interviews, expertsû focus group and cognitive interviews had been preliminary conducted
with the purpose of setting up loosely constructed questionnaires. The initial questionnaires were tried out on 50 individuals chosen by purposive sampling method in order to diminish irrelevant
components as well as to check content validity and suitability of language. Subjects aged of 15 years or older, were victims exposed to southernmost insurgencies, and were hospitalized at
the Yala hospital. Internal consistency reliability analysis were used to determine correct scaleûs distribution of distress.
Results: the finalized version of the scale named the Psychological Impact Scale for Crisis Events - 18 (PISCES-18) comprised 18 items (α=0.93). The internal consistency reliability of each component was affective component (α=0.83), cognitive (α=0.81), behavioral component (α=0.86) and physical component (α=0.77) respectively.
The new distribution of scale now comprises four levels. Those who score below 13 were considered to be normal while the range between 13-20 points and between 21-27 points were regarded as mild distress and moderate distress correspondingly. Overall score above 28 points was considered to be severe distress. There was 2% of the subjects having severe distress.
Conclusion: The PISCES-18 has sufficiently qualified for assessing affected individuals who are susceptible to developing psychological distress between 72 hours and 2 weeks after facing catastrophic incidents.

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How to Cite
Boonyamalik, P., Suksawang, S., Swangwongsin, S., Chaichanachimplee, C., & Narakornpijit, K. (2013). Development of the Psychological Impact Scale for Crisis Events - 18 (PISCES-18). Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 54(3), 317–326. retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Pitakpol Boonyamalik, Nakhon Phanom Rachanacharin Psychiatric Hospital

Supathana Suksawang, Nursing division, Srithunya hospital, Department of Mental Health

Siriluk Swangwongsin, Nursing division, Srithunya hospital, Department of Mental Health

Chetthaphon Chaichanachimplee, Office of consultants, Department of Mental Health

Kwanjit Narakornpijit, Office of consultants, Department of Mental Health