The Validity Study of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition (TONI-3)
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Objective: To study the characteristics of measurement of TONI-3 test in terms of convergent validity, construct validity and practicality.
Method: Study sample consisted of 380 primary school children from Wat Amarin Tharam School,Thailand. The research tools were a selected test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition
(TONI-3) and The Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM).
Results: Showed that the TONI-3 test had†convergent validity to CPM test at a moderately high level (r=0.488) and had construct validity that was more capable of categorizing intelligence
into extreme groups than CPM (Colored Progressive Matrices Test). Regarding practicality, the comparison between group and individual testing indicated that TONI-3 had higher accuracy when applied with individual testing. Therefore, in practicality, TONI-3 was less practical than CPM because TONI-3 was only able to be given individually. Besides, the study of comparison of composite scores as classified based on gender and age. No gender difference but having
a trend to increase when age increased.
Conclusion: TONI - 3 was not appropriate for use by an examiner who had never been trained before because TONI-3 had some certain conditions for practice. However, TONI-3 could be
considered as a screening test that the examiner could use other supplement standardized intelligence testing instruments or to confirm the results of other tests.
Objective: To study the characteristics of measurement of TONI-3 test in terms of convergent validity, construct validity and practicality.
Method: Study sample consisted of 380 primary school children from Wat Amarin Tharam School,Thailand. The research tools were a selected test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition
(TONI-3) and The Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM).
Results: Showed that the TONI-3 test had†convergent validity to CPM test at a moderately high level (r=0.488) and had construct validity that was more capable of categorizing intelligence
into extreme groups than CPM (Colored Progressive Matrices Test). Regarding practicality, the comparison between group and individual testing indicated that TONI-3 had higher accuracy when applied with individual testing. Therefore, in practicality, TONI-3 was less practical than CPM because TONI-3 was only able to be given individually. Besides, the study of comparison of composite scores as classified based on gender and age. No gender difference but having
a trend to increase when age increased.
Conclusion: TONI - 3 was not appropriate for use by an examiner who had never been trained before because TONI-3 had some certain conditions for practice. However, TONI-3 could be
considered as a screening test that the examiner could use other supplement standardized intelligence testing instruments or to confirm the results of other tests.
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How to Cite
Sroythong, W., Chulakdabba, S., & Kowasint, C. (2013). The Validity Study of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition (TONI-3). Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 54(2), 115–124. retrieved from
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