Mental Health Problems Among People Affected by Encountered with the Thailand 2010 Political Chaos
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ABSTRACTObjective: To study the mental health problems, their risk and protective factors among people affected by encountered with the Thailand 2010 political chaos.Method: A descriptive -cross sectional study was conducted. Participent were 1,300 persons who encountered with the Thailand political chaos during April to May 2010. Telephone interview with Post-traumatic Diagnostic Scale and the Harvard trauma Scale and Hopkins Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) by well trained staffs were done. Data analysis used the chi- square and multiple regression for determining risks and protective factors. Results: Of 985 participants were rolled with response rate 75.7%. The top 5 of the mental health problems were suicidal attempt 11.67%, alcohol abuse 10.46%, anxiety symptoms 0.8%, PTSD symptoms 0.6% and depressive symptoms 0.6%. The political chaos situation caused the mental health problems among physically injured protesters 10.46%, the non-injured protesters 9.24% and the people who loosed their relative 5.69%. The past protesting experiences were statistically significant risk factor for PTSD symptoms (Likelihood ratio=4.3, p=0.03). Regular religious practice and education above bachelor level were statistic significant protective factor for alcohol abuse (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The people affected by encountered with the Thailand 2010 political chaos were at high risk of suicide and alcohol abuse. The past protesting experiences were their risk factor, regular religious practice and high education were their protective factors.
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How to Cite
Suwannapho, M., Panyayong, B., & Suraaroonsamrit, B. (2013). Mental Health Problems Among People Affected by Encountered with the Thailand 2010 Political Chaos. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 57(4), 455–462. retrieved from
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