The Development and validity testing of the Assessments for Preventing and Resolving Violation in Vocational Students

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Pitakpol Boonyamalik
Supattana Suksawang
Siriluk swangwongsin
Kwanjit Narakornpijit


Objective: To develop assessments for using in compliance with the preventing and resolving violation measure in vocational students and to test the validity of it.

Methods: The developments of components, which provided research frameworks and
a questionnaire guide resulted from the qualitative research. This study was conducted by studying other researches and literatures that related to violent behaviors’ factors and mechanisms of vocational students. Other methods are also included analyzing violent News of vocational students, doing focus group interview with nine teachers at Institute of Vocational Education, and doing in-dept interview with six vocational students. Statisticallly, the scale underwent the construct validity test and reliability test using Cronbachus alpha. Try out session was imposed on 30 participants of vocational students. By probability sampling and multi-stage sampling, 96 participants were obtained. Finally, in order to get the appropriate number of questions, they were groomed by statistical methods and expert. Basic statistical analysis of the sample. And analysis of the relationship with the Spearman rank correlation

Results: To achieve the assessment for using in compliance with the preventing and resolving violation measure in vocational students. Three assessments are created as followed: (1) Adolescent Social View Scale (ASV – 10) contains 10 items and Cronbach's alpha is .914; (2) Adolescent Risk Behavior Inventory Scale (ARB – 12) contains 12 items and Cronbach's alpha is .928; (3) Adolescent Violent Behavior Inventory Scale (AVB -14) contains 14 items and Cronbach's alpha is .938. The results showed that most sample are risk to violence,a little attitude.44.80 percent with no risk of exposure to violent behavior. And violent behavior 66.8 and 64.6 percent respectively, also found the gender factor. Negatively associated with low risk of violent behavior (r = -. 34, p = .001) and violent behavior (r = -. 35, p = .000) and the average score of the sample and a negative relationship. low on the attitude towards violence (r = -. 23, p = .029) risk of violent behavior (r = -. 29, p = .007) and violent behavior (r = -. 23, p =. 03

Conclusion: To have a tool for vocational students in assessing attitude level of violent behavior for guiding a better adaptation or seeking out help from teachers. Also being a tool for teachers/parents in evaluating and screening adolescent’s attitude and risk behavior. This tool is useful in evaluating the overall problem, providing counseling, and resolving violent behavior in vocational students.

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How to Cite
Boonyamalik, P., Suksawang, S., swangwongsin, S., & Narakornpijit, K. (2013). The Development and validity testing of the Assessments for Preventing and Resolving Violation in Vocational Students. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 57(1), 1–18. retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Pitakpol Boonyamalik, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajanagarindra Psychiatric Hospital

Supattana Suksawang, Office of consultants, Department of Mental Health

Siriluk swangwongsin, Nursing devision, Srithunya hospital

Kwanjit Narakornpijit, Office of consultants, Department of Mental Health