The Effect of Resilience and Coping Intervention to Reduce Depression in Senior High School Students
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Objective: To study the effect of a Resilience and Coping Intervention (RCI) on reducing depression in senior high school students.
Methods: The study used a quasi-experimental, pre-post-intervention design. The research population was high school students aged 15 - 18 years in one northeastern province in Thailand. The sample of 84 students was assigned to either an experimental group (n = 42) in the RCI program for three weeks or a control group (n = 42) for the school’s regular support program. Instruments used to measure the variables included a demographic characteristics form, the Thai versions of the Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents (PHQ-A) for depression, and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (10-Item CD-RISC). Data were collected pre-intervention (baseline), immediately upon the program’s completion, and one-month post-intervention. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way repeated measures ANOVA, and multiple comparisons of Bonferroni were used for data analysis.
Results: Immediately after program completion, the RCI significantly reduced depression scores in the experimental group (p =.004) and were significantly lower than those in the control group (p =.020). Similarly, the experimental group showed a significant increase in resilience scores over baseline (p =.013) and were significantly higher than those in the control group (p =.013). However, these positive effects were not sustained one month after program completion.
Conclusion: Although the three-week RCI program demonstrated effectiveness by reducing depression and increasing resilience, it did not provide lasting relief for the high school students.
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