Factors associated with mental health status of adolescents in skipped-generation family compared with extended family and nuclear family in Phetchabun province
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Objectives: To examine the prevalence of having mental health status problems among adolescents in the skipped-generation families compared to those in extended families and nuclear families, and to identify the associated factors.
Method: The cross-sectional descriptive research design involved 415 primary caregivers and adolescents studying in grades 5 - 12 under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) in Phetchabun Province. Data were collected from June to August 2021. The measurements consisted of 1) questionnaire regarding demographic data and duration of internet use, 2) strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ), 3) nine-item internet gaming disorder scale (IGD Scale-9 TH), 4) alabama parenting questionnaire (APQ), and 5) parental bonding instrument (PBI). Descriptive statistics were used to find frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Analytical statistics included chi-square, t-test, correlation analysis, ANOVA, and regression analysis.
Results: The results showed that the mental health statuses of adolescents in skipped-generation families were not different from those in nuclear families or extended families. However, parents of skipped-generation families had experienced more separations/divorces/dead statuses and had less communication and participation in parenting than those in extended and nuclear families. On the other hand, the skipped-generation families received more support from their relatives. In addition, caregiver in skipped-generation family tend to have lower parental involvement than other family types. The study found that high level of overprotection and inconsistent discipline were significantly associated with having or being at risk of having mental health status problems in adolescents.
Conclusion: Although the study did not find a significant difference in mental health statuses between adolescents living in skipped-generation families and those in other family types, skipped-generation families exhibited higher risky parenting styles and less communication with parents. These factors were related to the mental health status problems in adolescents. Therefore, promoting appropriate parenting and communication between adolescents and their parents, especially in families where the elderly are primary caregivers, may reduce mental health problems in adolescents.
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