The study of pro/antisocial behavior in Thai young adults (SOCIALDEVIANCE1820)

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Burachai Asawathaweeboon
๋Jaruwan Sakulku


Objectives: To describe the incidence and analyze the influence of adverse childhood experiences, as risk factors, on antisocial attitudes, problems in psychosocial adjustment, and prosocial attitudes

Methods: We collected data from 420 participants. Data analysis was conducted by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

Results: The results showed that deviant behavior was positively influenced by physical abuse and domestic violence exposure. Youth psychopathic traits were positively influenced by domestic violence exposure, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. Altruistic behavior was positively influenced by growing up with a family member who had substance abuse issues, mental illness, or a family in which one member had committed suicide. Moreover, altruistic behavior was negatively influenced by emotional neglect and exposure to domestic violence. Finally, psychosocial adjustment was positively influenced by physical and emotional abuse, as well as by growing up with a family member who had substance abuse issues, mental illness, or a family in which one member had committed suicide.

Conclusion: Adverse childhood experiences were risk factors that had both significant positive and negative influences on deviant behavior, antisocial personality, prosocial attitudes, and psychosocial adjustment.

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How to Cite
Asawathaweeboon, B., & Sakulku ๋. (2023). The study of pro/antisocial behavior in Thai young adults (SOCIALDEVIANCE1820). Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 68(4), 394–402. retrieved from
Original Articles


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