Effectiveness of Satir Family Therapy on amphetamine addiction and family relationship at Roi Et Hospital

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Yupattra Pattamang
Orapun Suntuang
Chusri Phosung


Objective: To compare the mean score of amphetamine addiction, family relationship before and after receiving the Satir-based family therapy and after one month of follow up.

Method: This study was a quasi-experimental research. The subjects consisted of two groups. Group 1: twelve amphetamine addicted patients, aged between 20- - 59 years,visited the out patient department, Roi Et Hospital. Group 2: twelve patients’ family members who lived in the same house with the patients and involved in family relationship problem. All participants received one-month of Satir family therapy and assessed by the amphetamine addiction assessment form and the family relationship assessment form before and after the therapy and after one month of follow-up. Descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test were used for all data analysis.

Results: After the therapy and after one month of follow up, the study showed statistically significant that amphetamine addiction patients had  lower scores of amphetamine addiction (mean difference=13.67;95% CI =-15.18 - -12.15; p-value<0.05). In terms of family relationship, it was found that amphetamine drug addicted patients and their families had significantly higher mean family relationship scores (mean difference=2.59 ; 95% CI =2.41 – 2.77 ; p-value<0.05).

Conclusion: This study showed that a Satir family therapy model can reduce amphetamine addiction and improve family relationship. Therefore, this program should be applied to the treatment of amphetamine addicted patients with family relationship problem.

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How to Cite
Pattamang, Y., Suntuang, O. ., & Phosung, C. . (2023). Effectiveness of Satir Family Therapy on amphetamine addiction and family relationship at Roi Et Hospital. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 68(4), 403–411. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPAT/article/view/259713
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