The Development of Game Addiction Quality of Life Scales Development of Game Addiction Quality of Life Scales

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Sirinya Krishnamra
Sirinda Chanpen
Pichaya Tanthanawigrai
Chanvit Pornnoppadol


Objective: To develop Gamers’ Quality of Life Scales (GAME-Q) in children and adolescents and in their parents (GAME-QP).

Methods: GAME-Q and GAME-QP were newly developed scales to assess quality of life in children and adolescents who involve in internet gaming. The reliability of GAME-Q and GAME-QP were evaluated by item analysis and internal consistency measurement. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was also performed to measure the scales’ construct validity.

Results: Four hundreds and seventy-nine questionnaires were completed by 4th–9th grade students age 9-16 years who regularly played internet games and their parents from five public and private schools in Bangkok.GAME-Q and GAME-QP revealed an excellent internal consistency. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of GAME-Q self-version, parent-version, and GAME-QP were 0.91, 0.94 and 0.95 respectively. Item analysis revealed that all items have corrected item-total correlation of more than 0.3. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) confirmed that GAME-Q and GAME-QP consisted of 4 factors including physical health, mental health, academic and social functioning.  All items had loading factors of more than 0.4.

Conclusion: Gamers’ Addiction Quality of Life Scales, both self and parent version, have good internal consistency and construct validity to assess quality of life in children and adolescents who involve in internet gaming.

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How to Cite
Krishnamra, S., Chanpen, S., Tanthanawigrai, P., & Pornnoppadol, C. (2022). The Development of Game Addiction Quality of Life Scales: Development of Game Addiction Quality of Life Scales. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 67(4). retrieved from
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