Parental stress, anxiety and depression during hospital stay with COVID-19 children

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Siriwan Piyawattanametha
Kusalaporn Chaiudomsom
Tanaporn Sangpongsanon
Yanika Valeeittikul


Objective: This study aimed to investigate parental stress, anxiety, and depression during the hospital stay
with COVID-19 children in Thailand.

Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study which reported severity of depression and anxiety, using
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21), in the parents of COVID-19 children during their hospitalization
at Srinagarind hospital from 28 June to 20 July 2021. Child Maladaptive behavior was measured by Eyberg
Child Behavior Inventory to monitor problematic behaviors.

Results: Data from 16 pairs of parents and COVID-19 children were extracted. Prevalence of depression,
anxiety, and stress first-week hospitalization was 12.5%, 31.25%, and 18.75%, respectively. Most of parental
stress, anxiety, and depression were mild in severity. DASS-21 anxiety and stress subscales showed statistic
trends to decrease after 2 weeks when compared to the baseline (p-value=.057 and .083). At 2-week, there
was a significant correlation between parental stress and child maladaptive behavior (r=.516, p-value=0.049)  

Conclusion: Parental stress, anxiety and depression were not uncommon during the hospital stay with COVID-19
children. Severity of stress and anxiety tended to decrease over time. Parental stress and child maladaptive
behavior was correlated.

Key words: COVID-19, children, depression, anxiety, stress, parents

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How to Cite
Piyawattanametha, S. ., Chaiudomsom, K., Sangpongsanon, T. ., & Valeeittikul, Y. . (2022). Parental stress, anxiety and depression during hospital stay with COVID-19 children. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 67(3). retrieved from
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